Our friendly competitions (the Dares) roll on…

This is really a short post aimed at anyone who has not yet heard of the ‘Dares’. These are friendly competitions that I run once a month.
The themes change with every dares, essentially you are asked to do something with Freesound samples, adhering to a number of rules and then post your work for others to enjoy, comment and vote on.

The list of winners from the previous dare is here:

And the current dare is open for submissions up to 11pm GMT on 31st March 2012. The rules and entries posted so far are on this thread:

All entries from recent dares should be available at the following Soundcloud group:

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New Freesound T-Shirts!

Hello everyone,

We’re glad to announce that we have updated our Freesound t-shirts with the new logo!
As you can see in the picture, new t-shirts are available in three different colors, men and women versions.

They look amazing! Don’t they?
Buying a t-shirt is another way to contribute to Freesound. For each t-shirt sold we get 5? that will be?reinvested in the maintenance of the site.
Go and get yours before they are over! 🙂 Then take a picture of yourself with the t-shirt and post it as a reply in this forum post!

US, Canada and Asia shop:?http://freesound.spreadshirt.com/
EU shop: ?http://freesound.spreadshirt.net/

– frederic

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Looking for: movie/video work using freesound (with correct credits)

Hello all,

On the 23rd of March I will be talking at the?International Film Forum?in?Udine-Gorizia, Italy. My talk will be about freesound in general and its usage in Film/Video. I’m looking for additional examples of correctly credited Freesound usage in film and video.

Have you ever had your sounds used in a video (with credits)? Have you ever used Freesound sounds in a video production (with credits)? Please let me know with as many details as you can, below. If you have screenshots of the credits, that would be great too…

[EDIT] If you want to help: please send me screenshots and perhaps a small quote about your freesound usage: i.e. something that explains very shortly how you used freesound, what your experience with it was and maybe tell us if crediting was problematic or not. You can send this directly to me at support @ gro.dnuoseerf (reverse this last bit, but I’m sure you can guess it 😉 )

thanks a lot,

– Bram

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Dare 10 “The minimalist half-dozen ” is now open!

At the moment the votes for dare 9 are being counted and considerable computing power is being used to calculate the points for each participant (what a complicated points system that was!)

While this takes place in the background, the Dare 10 has opened!
This is the second dare inspired by suggestions from the ‘daring’ community so I hope you will enjoy it twice as much. It is great to have your participation both by entering and voting, but also by making your suggestions / comments / criticisms.

So… if you are reading this… don’t just be a Freesounder… be a ‘daring’ Freesounder and join us for Dare 10… if you dare!

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Yes, … we know (spam).

Hello everyone,

Yes, we know. Freesound is under a MASSIVE spammer attack. We’re discussing internally how we will handle this situation. Just deleting the spam message isn’t enough as those &*%$%! spammers are creating spam quicker than we can delete them. A few of the options we are discussing:

  • More Captchas (funny words you have to type). All users who haven’t uploaded sounds yet and want to post on the forum will need to fill in the guess-the-squiggly-words thing.
  • First-post-moderation. The first post of every new user is moderated. If that post is passed, you’re now free to post. We have enough active forum members to make this work, probably.
  • Flood-protection. Right now you’re allowed to post as many messages in a single day as you like. We should limit this to max W per X minutes, max Y per hour, max Z per day. We could get these numbers from looking at the past for our most acive forum members.
  • Akismet. Akismet is a -nonperfect- system/service that analyses a text and tells you if it’s spam or ham. Non-perfect because sometimes it flags spam as ham and vice-versa. We have this already running in freesound but right now we’re not doing anything active with the results. I.e. if a post is marked as spam we just store “hey this post is probably spam” but don’t stop the user from posting more.
  • No posting more than X url’s in your first post. We used to have this in freesound “1”, we could revisit this idea.
  • No posts until you have downloaded at least one sound.
  • Some kind of flagging of spam posts + moderation.
  • [Post your realistic ideas in the comments here!]

We know that some of these are more work than others, and none of them are perfect solutions; for each of these options you can always come up with a “yes, but ….”. So, we will have to make a choice and implement some of them. This should also apply to sound comments, because I fear the day those $%&#$%# discover those.

Hang on people, this is going to take a while 🙁

– Bram

PS: On a more personal note: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh $&%^@#$$$$!

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Meet the daredevils !

Dear Freesounders,

We have recently closed dare 8. It was the first dare to hold a vote for the best entry. Here are the results:

1ST schluppipuppie 67 points
2ND hoscalegeek 63 points
3RD Thatjeffcarter 59 points
4TH afleetingspeck 58 points
5TH AlienXXX 56 points
6TH klankbeeld 33 points
7TH Tarrei 28 points
8TH Kyster 26 points
8TH jgeralyn 18 points

Full details here:

All entries can be found on this thread:

In the meantime, dare 9 has been ‘warming up’… We are collecting some thematic samples up to the 10th Jan, see the thread here:
But no one knows yet what they will be asked to do with the samples once we got them on the Freesound database… it’s a bit of a mystery…

So, come and join us… if you DARE!

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Freesound Christmas Special

Dear Freesounders,

It’s christmas time and the Freesound team has been working hard to bring some presents in the form of new functionalities and bug fixes to celebrate the occasion.

First of all we implemented a couple of new features for the forums. From now on, you’ll be able to browse latest posts of all forums in the Latest forum posts page. Moreover, at the time of replying a post you’ll see a list of the last posts in the same thread so it will be much easier to follow the conversation. Finally, we have improved our thread unread markers so they should be working better right now!

The second of our christmas presents is a very long awaited feature: deletion of accounts and sounds. From now on, you can get rid of unwanted sounds by deleting them through the Edit Sound page. If you have not uploaded any sounds, you can delete your user account through the Settings Page. If you have sounds, you’ll have to ask us for deleting the account. This is to make sure we don’t accidentally lose a lot of sounds in one go!

We have also implemented some functionality to store sound Bookmarks! You will notice that if you are logged in, a new small blue address book icon will appear when browsing sounds (Bookmarks icon). Clicking this icon will show a small panel to bookmark the sound. In this panel you can set a name for the bookmark and assign a custom category (similarly to what you do with web browser bookmarks). This way you’ll be able to bookmark all interesting sounds that you hear in Freesound and organize them under different categories. You’ll be able also to browse other people’s bookmark lists through their profile page too.

Last but not least, we fixed some bugs and tweaked our system to improve performance. One of the most important bug fixes is related with the creation of zip files for pack downloads. Some of you reported that pack downloading was not working properly, resulting in empty or incomplete zip files. This should be solved now (although there might still be some random packs out there that need to be fixed)!

A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from…

The Freesound Core Developers Team (Gerard, Frederic, Stelios and Bram)

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The Freesound Dares

Dear Freesounders,

Freesound has run some dares (friendly challenges or competitions) around 5-6?years ago.
Interestingly, posts continued to be made against the original dare threads with some entries comming years later. Obviouly, this means there was some interest from the Freesound community in this type of activity.

I have personally entered similar competitions on various internet sites and I would say that for the training or hobbyst musician they are a unique opportunity to work on a specific project with constraints and deadlines imposed on you. They are an excellent way to train your skills and to get feedback and learn from others.

In the specific context of Freesound?I believe there is a lot to be gained from interaction between Freesounders.
Freesound is not just “a database of sounds” or even one that reacts to “sample requests”. Freesound is a living community of people who share an interest in sound, and within this community there are considerable amounts of both knowledge and goodwill.

I hope the ‘New Generation’ Dares which I have started a couple of months ago (just after the launch of Freesound 2.0) will be interesting and inspiring enough for you to participate or to follow what is going on (and perhaps vote for your favourite).
But most of all, I hope they will encourage you to interact with Freesound and other Freesounders in new and exciting ways.

The latest Dare is open and waiting for your entries:
Closes 20 December 2011.

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OPEN CALL: European exchange on sound pedagogy, The City Rings

The City Rings is looking for new partners in Europe who are interested in exchanging through sound, and sound pedagogy.

The City Rings is an international sound pedagogy project initially started by Aifoon, MTG / Sons de Barcelona, and Sound&Music; and actually being developed in the frame of Sounds of Europe.

The main goal of The City Rings is exchanging through sound; and our main approach are a series of workshops that are held simultaneously in schools in various countries. During these workshops pupils are introduced to creative ways of listening, recording, editing and composing with sound; with an emphasis on the sounds of their everyday life and surroundings.

Sounds and compositions are exchanged among schools using Freesound, both for their appreciation and as material for new exercises. Session descriptions, images and sounds, are made public through our blog, where pupils can comment on each other?s work, and where other people can follow our efforts.

The City Rings is now working to find other simultaneous and non-simultaneous ways of exchanging with sound among european countries, schools, people and organizations.

If you are an interested self-sustainable organization or individual, please contact jeroen@q-o2.be

For more information, please visit:?www.thecityrings.org / www.soundsofeurope.eu / www.aifoon.org / barcelona.freesound.org / www.mtg.upf.edu / www.soundandmusic.org

Posted in sons-de-barcelona, workshops | Leave a comment

The Sound Catcher

Where do good sounds come from and who makes them and how are they recorded? Questions we thought we should ask a professional in field recording: F?lix Blume, sound engineer for documentary films and Freesounder. Here is the full interview. by Kay Burki:

What is your Profession, how would you call yourself?
The usual name for my profession is “sound engineer”, and I work most of the time on documentary film shootings, sometimes for video-artists too. I like the word “Preneur de son” (in French) which means something like “sound catcher”.


Can you describe a typical work flow?
The good thing about independent documentary filming is, there is no “typical” configuration. If I try to describe the most usual work flow, it begins of course with the shooting, which involves only one person in the sound department. Most of the time, sound is recorded on a separate recorder, and synchronized with the image by timecode. During or after the shooting, rushes (raw material, KB) are synchronized, and the editing begins. Once ?it’s finished, it’s time for sound post-production: sound editing, sometimes some extra recordings of music or foleys (additional sound effects,KB) and later the sound mix. At the same time, they’re doing color correction or special effects, in order to make a final report on tape,? digital copies and in some good cases film copies are made for screenings, film festival contributions and TV broadcasting.

How did you come to your profession?
I came to sound through music, at first I wanted to do sound reinforcement for live music in concert. I studied and worked a bit in that way at the beginning, but I quickly found more interest in shootings and sound for video. I discovered at the same time a passion for documentary films.


What was your training for your profession, do you have a degree?
I studied 2 years in France, at an audiovisual school, with a technical formation (BTS Audiovisuel in Toulouse); after that, I studied 3 years at INSAS film school in Brussels, in the sound department.


What would you advice people who would like to do such work for a profession also?
I would say that it can be beautiful work, and a really good way to travel and meet people, but you first need to be passionate, to love sound, to be patient, curious and to be really specific in your choice. If you know what you want to do exactly, people will know what you’re able to do, and they will call you for their projects.
And the most important thing, as most of passion-works: you must do what you really like, and not search for money with that job!


What can you tell about the copyrights on recordings of yourself? At what time do you own the copyrights of a recording or someone else does (like a publisher or producer of a movie)?
Most of the contracts don’t specify anything about sound copyrights. For the pictures that’s clear though, the camera-operator doesn’t keep any pictures, and all the rights are owned by the producer and the director.
For sound, it’s different. I’ve got a copy of all the sound recording of each shooting I’ve done, and I made a lot of wild-tracks during the shootings, which can be seen as a still picture made by the camera operator (can he use it for himself or not? ).
I take the right to use and share all the wild-tracks, as long as they are not directly in relation to the subject (no music, no voices for example). If I’m not sure, I talk about that with the director and ask him his point of view… And since I share them for free, there’s no problem.


What did make you decide to add your sounds to Freesound.org?
I think internet is a beautiful opportunity to share things, ideas, video and sounds. Unfortunately, most of the sharing platform are used by “pirates” to share things they don’t own.
Freesound.org is for people who want to share the sounds they do own, with anybody who would like to use it or need it for any other project. I like the idea and I try to put in the best sounds I have!
I add all the sound under Creative Commons 0 License, that means I share the sounds, for any use you want, without any need to mention me. I’ve recorded the sounds by myself, or on projects, and I think the best way to make this sound travel and exist is to share them.
The end of the copyrights? Maybe… And I’m not sure if that’s a bad thing !


What equipment do you use?
I usually use (and own) a Sound Devices recorder 744T, a Sound Devices Mixer 552, a MS microphone setup with 2 Schoeps CCM41 (super cardioid polar pattern, KB) & CCM8 (figure 8 polar pattern, KB) in a Zephyx windscreen, a Sennheiser MKH8060 hypercardioid microphone in a rycote, 2 lectrosonics digital hybrid HF transmitter & receiver, some additional wireless Sennheiser Evolution sets (ew 100-ENG, KB) i.e. to send sound to the camera and director, some Sanken COS11D lavalier microphones (for the wireless sets),? some HD25 Sennheiser headphones and a PSC boom.
I do most of the sound with a MS setup. It’s a really good way to make good sound in documentary shooting!


What are your best sounds on Freesound?
I really like the one recorded in South Argentina, in a farm close to Ushuaia, during the “Patagonian Rodeo”.?Once a year, the farmers go in line through the fields and the forest, screaming and whistling, in order to send the sheep to the corner of the field, and take them to the farm for the sheep’s shave. They can’t see each other but can recognize themselves with their specific screams and keep in line.


Which countries or regions impressed or did you like most on your trips?
I really like America and it’s big spaces (each time it is more difficult to find a place in Europe where you don’t hear cars far away). I work a lot in America Latina and I love the people there. Lately I worked a lot in Mexico, a beautiful country!


What other interests do you have?
I think human relationships are the most important thing… I love meeting new people, discover different lifestyles and listen to stories people tell me.

What is your next project?
I’m about to shoot a documentary in USA. We will stay in a small town close to a marine base. After their mission in Afghanistan, the marines stay there for a few weeks, to make a “debriefing”, re-adapt to “real” life, and try to forget about war. They’re hanging around and we will film their deambulation in the town…



Thank you F?lix Blume for your contributions to Freesound.org and for this Interview!
Everything is published with kind permission!
Posted in attribution, design, talks, Tech Talk | Tagged | 9 Comments