Hello everyone,
we have been working in some small new functionalities that we would like to show. Here it goes:
- Pack descriptions: now you can textually describe the packs of sounds you create. It is as simple as going to the pack page and clicking to “Add a description for the pack…” button that will appear if you’re logged in as the author of the pack.
- Browse by comments:?in the sounds page there is a new browse link called “browse latest comments“. Following that link you will find a paginated list of all the comments that you are writing about sounds (sorted by date). ?This functionality introduces a new way of browsing sounds by reading what you people are saying about them!
- Captcha in messages:?from now on, people that have uploaded at least one sound won’t have to fill the captcha form when sending messages.
- Sharing geotag maps: another new feature is the possibility to share and embed geotag maps. Once you are navigating in the geotags page (sounds > browse geotags), you’ll see a new “Share this map” link below the map (this link only appears when your zoom level is greater than 2). Clicking to this link you’ll find html code for embedding the map in an external page such as a blog (preserving the current displayed sounds, zoom and map position) and an url pointing to this “portion” of the map that you can easily share. Tweaking a bit the given iframe code, embedded maps can have custom with and height parameters. Just as an example for you:
- New API features:?finally, we have also implemented two new features for our API. We added a new resource (the sound geotags resource) that allows to retrieve a list of sounds geotagged inside a defined rectangular area.
In the other hand, we have implemented a new way to select the information about sounds that is returned in any sound list. From now on, this can be done using an optional “fields” parameter that allows to specify a list of properties separated by commas (e.g. fields=id,duration,tags). For more details check the API documentation.
Well, that is all for the moment, enjoy the new features and keep freesounding!!!
– frederic