Email sloooowly recovering

During the days our server was banned, we accumulated a large pile of unsent email. Yet, in order to avoid being banned again, we have to send these at a very slow rate. Unfortunately during this process some emails have been marked as undeliverable and lost forever. For those who asked: delays in moderation have nothing to do with email. Also we have NOT sent any email with “null” sender address or anything like that.

We hope that the queue will be cleared in a few days. If you registered and you don’t receive the activation email in 3 or 4 days, you can click “Resend activation code” in the registration page (but please, not yet!).

The queue is now cleared, email should be working fine. Back to normal!

Broken again! Something changed at our provider side, working on it …

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Email broken

As many of you have noticed, email from Freesound is currently not working. This means that it is not possible to register, and that emails related with the forum, comments and private messages are not being sent.

The problem is that the way we like Freesound to work we have to send many emails. Sending large amounts of email is no simple thing, it may overload servers, and it may bear confusions, such as our email being reported as spam and our domain blacklisted. We use an external provider for sending email, and at the moment our server has been banned from sending more messages. We are working with them in order to clarify and resolve the situation. Hopefully we’ll be back in business soon!

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Freesound Hacks at Music Hack Day (S?nar Festival 2012, Barcelona)

Last week took place the Music Hack Day in the context of the S?nar Festival in Barcelona. The Freesound team was present and showing some new functionalities we have been implementing for our API (check the developers page if you want to learn more about that!). It was a big success, and a lot of hackers used the Freesound API to create amazing new applications! Furthermore, the Freesound Team won nothing less that four awards (given by The Echonest,?Reactable Systems?and?Zvooq) for our hacks!

You can read more about all the hacks done in the Music Hack Day wiki. Here it goes a summary of those hacks related to Freesound:

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The Sound Museum

What if there was a place where sounds could be stored for future generations, like objects in a museum?
Wait a minute… There is such a place: Freesound!

I could ramble on and on about this but I won’t. Please read the posts instead. Main post here for ‘rules’ and posting links to samples uploaded:
(please read the bit about tags and tag your samples accordingly!)

Also here, if you want to discuss / comment:

So Freesounders, I dare you to search high and low (attics and basements, garages, museums and old shops…).
Another important point… your school or university may have a considerable amount of old, outdated, obsolete equipment stored away… You might be surprised of what you might discover and be allowed to record if you speak to some of your teachers…

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Sons de Barcelona (Sounds of Barcelona) wins one of the EngageU awards

We are very happy to announce that the project Sons de Barcelona (Sounds of Barcelona) has been selected as one of the winners of the ?EngageU awards?, a European competition looking for best innovations in university outreach and public engagement, for which we asked for your votes some weeks ago. So, thanks for sopporting the project!

Sons de Barcelona is an educational initiative around Freesound, running workshops in schools to foster interest in music technologies among the students community by using the Freesound ideas and technologies.

The award will help to keep improving the current activity of Sons de Barcelona and to start working on a new project dedicated to the sounds of multicultural communities within Barcelona.

More information about the awards:


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Research article about Freesound

Hello everyone,

we would like to inform you that we are in the process of publishing a research article about Freesound and we would like to share it with you! This is not the first time that we publish an article about Freesound, but in this article we focused on topics that might be of more interest to all of you.

The article is called “Characterization of the Freesound Online Community”, and can be accessed here. In it we analyze some general aspects of Freesound like the ratio between users that upload sounds and those who only download, the goals of the freesound community, the interactions than happen in the forums and through sound comments, and the usage of tags for describing sounds.?Part of this article is based on the answers you all gave in the “Freesound survey” during the last few weeks.

Thank you very much for your participation in the survey.?This will help us a lot to continue improving Freesound!

Enjoy the article and keep on Freesounding!


The Freesound Team

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Sons de Barcelona (Sounds of Barcelona) needs your votes!

A note from our friends running Sounds of Barcelona:

“Our Sounds of Barcelona project is participating in a EU contest for best innovations related to technological iniciatives with an educational and social impact. The? project Sons de Barcelona was created as an educational initiative around, running workshops in schools to foster interest in music technologies among the students community by using the Freesound ideas and technologies. You can find more information about the contest entry in:?

If you think that Sounds of Barcelona is a good initiative worth promoting, please vote for it.”

We love the work that the Barcelona people have started and basically love everything that combines kids and recording sounds. They are the future, you know!

Please vote for them so they can continue their great work.

– Bram

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Freesound Survey

Hello everyone,

as most of you will know Freesound is a site that was started six years ago in the context of the?Music Technology Group?of the?Universitat Pompeu Fabra. One of the aims of the project was to create an open database of sounds that could also be used for scientific research. Freesound is being maintained by current and former members of the Music Technology Group – the?Freesound team?- and we are continuously researching about Freesound to learn about sounds and online communities, and to be able to use our scientific outcome to improve the site. For this reason,?we are now conducting a very small survey?to better understand your motivations using Freesound and at the end the nature of Freesound itself.

Please, go to the this forum thread and participate in the survey! You’ll find the instructions there.

Thank you very much in advance for your participation, we really appreciate your feedback…

We’re looking forward to read all your answers that will help us in our research and in the improvement of Freesound!



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Our friendly competitions (the Dares) roll on…

This is really a short post aimed at anyone who has not yet heard of the ‘Dares’. These are friendly competitions that I run once a month.
The themes change with every dares, essentially you are asked to do something with Freesound samples, adhering to a number of rules and then post your work for others to enjoy, comment and vote on.

The list of winners from the previous dare is here:

And the current dare is open for submissions up to 11pm GMT on 31st March 2012. The rules and entries posted so far are on this thread:

All entries from recent dares should be available at the following Soundcloud group:

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New Freesound T-Shirts!

Hello everyone,

We’re glad to announce that we have updated our Freesound t-shirts with the new logo!
As you can see in the picture, new t-shirts are available in three different colors, men and women versions.

They look amazing! Don’t they?
Buying a t-shirt is another way to contribute to Freesound. For each t-shirt sold we get 5? that will be?reinvested in the maintenance of the site.
Go and get yours before they are over! 🙂 Then take a picture of yourself with the t-shirt and post it as a reply in this forum post!

US, Canada and Asia shop:?
EU shop: ?

– frederic

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