Issues with HTTPS

Recently (about a month ago) we have added https to our web server. This was a requirement for the new v2 API, but it also allows us to browse the page securely. You can tell if you are using https by checking the icon at the left of the address bar.

Unfortunately there have been some issues with the transition that took us some time to catch. One possible reason is that it took some time for google to start directing people to the https version of the site.

Registration. The captcha was not appearing when using https. Thus you could never prove you are a human even if you are. Should be fixed now.

Uploading. Uploading sounds larger than 1MB failed as well on https. Fixed too!

With respect to 503 and 504 errors mentioned in the previous post, we are still working on it, but it’s looking good. We hope to restore the packs browsing page next week.
more information

Happy freesounding!

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Experiencing some turbulence

Hi. As you are probably noticing, the site is working intermittently at the moment, with 503 and 504 errors appearing often. We haven’t been able to find the source yet. We’ll update this post as we get a clearer idea by tomorrow morning (CET). Hopefully it should improve in the mean time as traffic slows down ? bear with us!

UPDATE 1: There seems to be a problem with a recent upgrade of the search server. Things seem to work normally again after a restart, but it could still come back?

UPDATE 2: After reconfiguring the search server the worst part seems to be passed. We are still looking at some connection problems. Pages may still take a bit to load some times, but most of the time the site seems to run fine.

UPDATE 3: In the end the most serious problems were not related to the search server, but to some of our database queries. We are still working on that, but in the mean time you may have noticed we have disabled the link to the page for browsing packs. That helped us to put the situation under control. It will be back very soon.

UPDATE 4: The “browse packs” page is back online and optimized so that it does not create problems again.

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Pack management improvements

Hi there!

we added a small new feature to facilitate the way in which you add and remove sounds from your packs. Say welcome to the “Edit Pack” page!

Just like when editing sounds information, you can now click on the “edit pack information” link that you’ll find in your pack pages and use the new interface to edit name, description and add/remove sounds from the pack.


keep on Freesounding!



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Small new feature

Hi dear Freesounders!

today we’ve added a small new feature that should help those of you uploading sounds. We added a new page called “Uploaded?sounds awaiting moderation” to make it easier to keep track of the moderation status of your newly uploaded sounds. Once your sounds are uploaded, described and processed, you’ll see an indicator in the header of Freesound named ‘uploads’, with the number of sounds you have in moderation stage. This indicator is not visible when you have no sounds in moderation stage, or when your newly uploaded sounds have not been processed yet. By clicking at this indicator you’ll be directed to a page with the list of your sounds pending moderation and with links to the moderation ticket, to the edit page for the sound, and with a shinny warning indicating when a moderator added a comment regarding your sound and is awaiting your response.

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Hope you find this useful!


keep on Freesounding!


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Problems processing files

Hello everyone,

last two days we’ve been experiencing some problems that caused uploaded sounds to fail processing. The problems are now fixed and we are reprocessing all these files. This means that our beloved and always hard working moderators have now a sudden long queue of sounds pending moderation. Please be patient 😉

We will be soon back to normality. Sorry for the delay and thank you for your understanding!



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New feature: Tag recommendation

Dear Freesounders,

as you might know we have been lately working on a tag recommendation system for Freesound. The system we’ve been working on will suggest potentially meaningful tags when you are describing your uploaded sounds or when you are editing the descriptions of already uploaded sounds. Suggested tags are displayed in a list and can be added to the sounds you’re describing.

The good news is that this system has finally been deployed in Freesound and it is ready to help you adding tags to your sounds! If you want to comment and give some feedback/ask questions about the system, please do it in this forum thread.

We hope that tag recommendation helps improving the?quality and coherence of sound descriptions and eases the uploading process!



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Intermittent Freesound outage Today, November 19, 10 p.m. CET

Today we need to perform some maintenance on the main Freesound internet connection starting at 10 p.m. CET (1 p.m. Pacific, 4 p.m. Eastern). You may notice that Freesound is unavailable around this time, but we will be back as soon as possible.

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Essentia extractor now open source

When you click in the “Similar sounds” button of a sound, you receive a list of sounds that are similar according to its acoustic properties. The technology that powers this feature is Essentia, a library developed during several years at the Music Technology Group of UPF, where we host and support Freesound. The descriptors computed by Essentia are also available through the Freesound API.
Essentia was recently released as an open source library, and consequently the program in Freesound that uses it is now also open source. This means that anyone can see how it works, and use this technology for open source projects (the library can also be licensed for closed source projects upon request). One interesting consequence is that you can now compute the same descriptors that Freesound uses for any sound, and, using the API, search for similar sounds from Freesound. Play a note and get sounds with the same pitch, or the same timbre, imitate sounds with your mouth… you name it, we await for your hacks!

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Sound rating experiment using Freesound Samples

Researchers on the Good Recording Project (University of Salford, UK) have just launched a new Web experiment investigating audio quality in Freesound samples.

The AudioBattle experiment presents participants with pairs of real samples taken from Freesound and asks them to rate which is better. The researchers hope to discover how well we can predict quality from audio features in recordings and in the metadata of sounds submitted to Freesound.

The experiment takes no more than 10 minutes and all participants are able to enter a prize draw once they finish. To take part in the experiment please visit:

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It’s alive!

The dares are comming back to life!
So Freesounders, I dare you to participate…

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