Hello dear Freesounders!
After almost eight years of great sounds and constant growth it has become necessary to define some terms of use for Freesound. These terms are intented to outline the legal aspects of Freesound and to clarify your rights as users, our privacy policy and, in general, to protect you and us against incorrect uses of the site.
By adding these terms of use?we have not changed the philosophy of the site. It is just a necessary step to keep on growing and improving Freesound!
In order to continue using Freesound you’ll have to accept?these terms of use. But hey, don’t worry because they are not excessively long to read and we have also created a?friendly version?of the terms which makes them much easier to understand. Here is a brief summary of the terms:
- Uploaded sounds are released under one of the CC licenses you choose. Other content (metadata, tags, comments, etc…) is provided as CC-Zero.
- Your activity in Freesound is public and can be seen by all users (except your private messages).
- You are responsible for your posted content.
- We (Freesound) keep your data confidential and apply security measures to keep this confidentiality.
- We (Freesound) don?t warrant that all the data on the site is correct. We are not liable for information not posted by us on this site.
- We (Freesound) may remove accounts of users that do not comply with the terms or who do not behave correctly (spam, offensive comments…).
- We can use anonymized data collected from Freesound (statistics about sounds, tags, comments, downloads…) for research purposes.
- You agree to receive email notifications from us.
You can read the full text and the friendly version here.
Starting tomorrow (1/3/13), the first time you log in to Freesound you’ll see a screen saying that you have to accept the terms of use before continue using Freesound. That screen will contain the same explanation you’re reading here.
Thank you for your patience and understanding! We really appreciate the commitment of the Freesound community!!!