Introducing Freesound Radio

Hi there. Freesound radio has now been installed on freesound:

The?Freesound Radio is an experimental web-based system I’ve been working on ?at the MTG ?to experiment around collaboration and social interaction in sample based music creations, using freesound as the source of sounds.??The Sample Patch Editor interface allows you to put together short creations (sample patches) using samples?from the freesound?database.


??freesound radio editor?


?The?Player interface offers a meeting place to listen and interact with the existing creations of the users. By voting patches and bookmarking your favorite sounds and tags you collectively influence an evolutionary algorithm that continuously creates new patches by remixing and mutating existing ones.??


freesound radio player????


Both prototypes are now online and waiting for your contributions. ?Enjoy!?

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11 Responses to Introducing Freesound Radio

  1. Pooleside says:

    I really like this. Here’s what else I want-

    1- Make the connection length equal a delay for the trigger of the next sound: or
    1b- allow some other way of adding a delay between two sounds. I suppose it could be done using samples of silence of different lengths, but to really tune it in it should be fine-tunable.

    2- Make a tray where you can drag samples off the table. All connections disappear. This is so I won’t lose cool samples that I want to use later, at some different part of the sequence.

    3- Volume control of samples.

    4- Double click editing of samples- to eliminate long intros or to select only one part of the sample.

    5- Erasable links. I haven’t discovered how to erase a link except by erasing the sample.

    That’s all for now. Can you have this done by tomorrow?

    (I am kidding- but I really think this is an exciting instrument and would love to see it refined!)

  2. groma says:

    Hi Pooleside. Glad you like it. Regarding your requests:
    1- the way it is now the idea is that you use samples of silence for that
    2- I agree. This should be the same than the list of favorite samples in the player
    3,4- maybe 🙂
    5- You can erase links: click source, click target.

    I want to keep improving it, but it surely won’t be possible for one or two weeks now.

  3. Fedor says:

    Hi! I hsve explored this tool & I have to say – this is very very very inspirative!
    As Pooleside says – it will be very cool to add volume controls
    As for me – I’ve noticed that it will be nice to improve drag & drop system to be able to drag sound and drop it in sound pool to delete it from patch. May be it will be more comfortable to add some controls such as panning, times to repeat sample, loop lenths. And for the sample – is will be more interactive to show play progress on sample bar… Sorry for my english))
    I imagine that it could be standalone app with connection-style programming, like bUZZ or something, but sample base with acess to online sample storage… well, it would be explosive))

    And I want to thank you for this app – even now it smash my brains))

  4. groma says:

    Dragging out to delete a node has been suggested by several people, I agree it is needed.
    Regarding additional capabilities, clearly there are some things that would allow to create more elaborate compositions, at the expense of adding some complexity. Controlling the number of times an arrow is followed is one option, as well as of course editing start and end point, volume and pan.

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  6. hmmm…it’s a interesting idea, I actuallly got a little excited by he idea of an ever evolving algorithm that continuosly breeds sounds.
    God knows what a whole community of people likethe freesounds one will end up creating.

  7. rfx says:

    one little addition to top an already great app off would be the ability to stop sounds instead of triggering them

  8. enjoypolo says:

    Hmm hello,

    I’ve tried to go on the website but as soon as I login, my browser crashes … I think I may not be the only one, as I see everybody entering and leaving just like me (probably because of a crash)

    Heres the specs im using

    Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10.5; fr; rv: Gecko/2008070206 Firefox/3.0.1

    Thanks !

  9. groma says:

    Hi. Thanks for the report. Still looking at this issue, but should work now.

  10. PG says:

    Are the creations compatible with any other type of player?

  11. webradio says:

    Sehr interesantes Tool, wenn sich mir auch der tiefere Sinn nicht so richtig erschliesst. Sch?n w?re noch ein Laust?rkeregler und eine m?glichkeit zum speichern.

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