New feature: map search

Hi everyone,

We are happy to announce that we have just released a new feature that will allow you to display the results of a search query on a map. Under the “advanced search” settings panel, you’ll now find a new option to “Display results in map” which will, well, display the search results in a map :). The query can then be further refined and filters applied just like when displaying results in the usual way. Before this feature was introduced, it was only possible to filter the sounds of a map with a single tag or username (although the way to do that was not well documented). This is still possible, but now you’ll be able to do much more using all the tools of the search page. For example, have you ever wondered how ambulances sound in different parts of the world? Or how do kids sound when in the playground?

When “Display results in map” is enabled in the search page, you’ll see a map of sounds and also a link to open the same search results in the usual map page (where the map takes the full width). There you’ll find the option to embed the map, which is now compatible with search-based maps. For example, here is an embedded map with the ambulance sounds:

…aaaand this is it for today, we hope you enjoy this new feature!

on behalf of the Freesound team

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2 Responses to New feature: map search

  1. Dylan Kelk says:

    Very cool! Thanks to you and the rest of the Freesound team for implementing such a cool feature!

  2. Alexandre Maliar says:

    Hoje vou gravar o áudio para professor, como este

    As aulas de tic são interessantes, mas algumas vezes são difíceis porque tens que perceber novas coisas e tenta-las valorizar.

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